February 2023
Productive innovation – in low-density territories
This project aims to position Granitos Galrão Norte as a benchmark company in the field of granite processing at national and international level.
Project name: Productive innovation – in low-density territories
Northern regional operational program
Project code: Norte 2020 – FEDER – 181282
Main objective: To strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs
Region of intervention: North
Beneficiary: Granitos Galrão Norte, Lda.
Approval date: 27/07/2022
Start date: 13/08/2022
Completion date: 30/06/2023
Total eligible cost: 809,950 euros
European Union financial support: 428,558.56 euros
Objectives, activities and expected results:
This project aims to position Granitos Galrão Norte as a benchmark company in the field of granite processing at national and international level.
This investment brings to an end the cycle of the business strategy approved in 2013, the fundamental point of which was to replace obsolete equipment with more advanced equipment on the market that would enable it to produce more and better, increase the diversity and quality of its products, maximize resources and increase its export capacity.
This project is based almost exclusively on the acquisition of a piece of equipment called a multifio, which aims to replace an obsolete sawing machine that has an excessive lifespan, implying high maintenance and upkeep costs and a very low output.
The new equipment will increase sawing production capacity, reduce personnel and subsidiary material costs and meet the sector’s needs.
Complementing this investment, the water treatment system has been replaced in its entirety with the implementation of new silos and presses that will improve the environment.
The last phase of the project includes investments in the production process, stock management and production rationalization.
With these investments, Granitos Galrão Norte aims to address the weaknesses of its business by introducing innovative production and process technologies, as well as promoting the creation of jobs that can manage the new technologies and innovations introduced by the project intelligently.
The project presented is based above all on the company’s ability to incorporate innovation at an industrial level, namely process innovation, marketing innovation and organizational innovation.
Co-financing PO Norte2020 / EU / FEDER